
Our meetings are held at the Geelong Botanic Gardens Meeting Rooms on the Second Monday of even numbered months. These may be re-scheduled if falling on a public holiday. See the map below for information on how to get there.

Members arrive at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start.

What happens at our meetings?

  • Time for members to raise gardening questions or pass on information.
  • Guest Speaker or workshop on topics such as composting, use of grey water, permaculture, worm farming, preserving food, beneficial insects in the foodgarden and natural pest control.
  • Books and journals may be borrowed form the library.
  • Trading table – members may puchase organically grown plants and garden produce.
  • Commission table – Members may purchase goods from local producers, seeds, plants, preserves, produce.
  • Supper – a time to share your own plate and stories with others.

How do I get there?

The Geelong Botanic Gardens Meeting Rooms are situated at the rear of the Geelong Botanic Gardens. The entrance off Eastern Park Circut and is signed “Eastern Park Horticultural Centre”, take the first left after entering to reach the public carpark. See map below for meeting rooms location or zoom in for a larger map.

Coming to the meeting?

A Friendly Reminder list:
• Something for the supper table
• Library books,
• List of seeds, produce, some money and a bag or box.
• Surplus plants, seedlings, fruit or veg; it’s a great tradition in GOG to share, (you never know, you might need it back in future years).
• Helping with the setting up and packing up is always appreciated.
• Please park as closely as you safely can to the next car, to allow room for more cars in the car park.